The National Health Council (NHC), founded in 1920, is the only not-for-profit organization that brings together all segments of the health care community to provide a united voice for the more than 133 million Americans with chronic diseases and disabilities. It’s from that foundation that NHC frequently holds multi-disciplinary round tables and dialogues, with the goal of sharing best practices, debating policy, or standardizing recommended language for guidance documents and developing other recommendations.
It’s an exercise for which NHC likes to seek fresh perspectives, and Jennifer Bright, with her extensive background in health care policy and patient engagement, has become a go-to voice.
She’s so knowledgeable, and she’s a great person to turn to when we pull together these multi-stakeholder events,” says Eleanor Perfetto, PhD, MS, Senior Vice President of Strategic Initiatives for NHC. “We need someone who is knowledgeable about the issues, so that as we’re developing the agenda and materials, she can provide common sense feedback backed by patient-advocate and policy perspectives. She’s also an outstanding facilitator and moderator on-site, with an informed but unbiased voice. We want unbiased input from these multi-stakeholder events and don’t want to sway attendee views. She is so talented at moving the discussion organically and neutrally.
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