Innovation Digest – May 2023 Vol. 2

I just returned from the ISPOR 2023 conference with two takeaways: 1) never let yourself (or your voice) be underestimated and 2) we need to put health outcomes before health economics in order to define, measure, and achieve value. These are truisms regardless of political party in power, trends in the health care marketplace, or the methods used to design research or make decisions. The needs and priorities of people at risk for or living with health conditions that affect their physical and mental well-being, their families, and their wallets must be the ultimate driver and the point of accountability for the entire ecosystem, from innovation development to payment and delivery of care, and back again.

In this issue:

  • Data and Collaboration Provide a Way Forward for Value-Based Care
  • Medicaid Reinvestment Requirements Can Improve Community Health And Equity
  • ‘The Godfather of A.I.’ Leaves Google and Warns of Danger Ahead
  • Nine Health Care Megatrends, Part 1: System And Payment Reform
  • Nine Health Care Megatrends, Part 2: System Reconfiguration
  • Health Insurance Claim Denied? See What Insurers Said Behind the Scenes
  • The Link Between Highly Processed Foods and Brain Health
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